
When There is wealth a little effort accomplishes the task.

If the treasury is full of wealth, the plans for social benefit can be executed easily. Mere handwork does not bear fruit or we can say a person without means is unable to accomplish his tasks. Efforts and wealth both are needed for attaining objects of life.

A task in which a suitable device is used is not difficult to achieve.

However, difficult may be the tasks, proper effort endowed with suitable device can always accomplish it. A ruler should be use seven devices (like Sama, Dama Danda Bheda, Upeksha and indrajal) to accomplish a tasks as the case may be. In personality also one has to first ascertain about the means of accomplishment and then start doing it.

Without an expedient , a task even if attempted, fails.

If one attempts a task without ascertaining the proper expedient, one may fail. Proper contrivance is necessary to succeed in venture.

Expedient is the aid to those who seek success in undertakings.

For success in undertakings, contrivance is very important. Also the pros and cons of the same should be well ascertained. Thus expedient is the only if for those who strive for success in their tasks.

A task attains its objective through human effort.

When a person determines to perform a task, it becomes his objective. Then he puts best of efforts to accomplish it. While performing, a truly active person does not care for its fruit (failure or success), He goes on doing hard-work. It is an accepted truth that hard work always pay.

Fortune follows human-effort.

Luck follows human effort. One just sitting for things to happen does not obtain anything. It is only the laborious and diligent who gets success. Man’s efforts should be related to present only He should not depend upon past or destiny

One who is not calm and collected cannot earn one’s livelihood (or accomplish one’s tasks).

One dependent upon destiny hardly gets means to lead life. A lazy and unbalanced person’s life becomes futile


The mother and a shikshak(Student) have the ability to bring about the revolution. If they desire, they can change the future of the current generations. They can play a bigger role in making the character based society that holds esteem values and principles. If they desire, they can even throw out the powerful kings.
                                                                                                         - CHANAKYA


........After a major defeat in battle Chandragupta  came to Acharya Chanakya; reported him the status and asked for some advice.
Acharya looked at him for a few seconds and told him to have some food before having a discussion. Chandragupta said that he was in no mood for the dinner because he was very uncomfortable/depressed after the defeat.
Acharya insisted and pointed his finger towards the plate. Looking at the serious gesture of Chanakya; Chandragupta could not resist anymore.
Chandragupta sat down for dinner and suddenly Chanakya said “I have thought of a wonderful plan; finish the food fast”.
The rice in the plate was very hot and Chandragupta found it quite difficult to pick that up with his hands. He nearly burnt his mouth and fingers in a desperate attempt.
Chanakya was watching him carefully and suggested that he must pick the rice from the corners instead of digging from the center. After finishing the dinner they both sat for the discussion.
Chandragupta said “So, Acharya, what you suggest for the victory”
The Kautilya (Chanakya) replied “The lesson is all-ready been taught “.

Moral of the story:

Attack an enemy at his weak points instead of engaging him at his strong holds. Just like its easy to pick the hot rice from corners of a plate than from its center

Weakness Targeted By Your Enemies

This is not a new discovery that enemies hurt where it hurts most. Also, it is true that enemies usually don’t strike at bases which they consider as strong. This is so because:

o    Weaknesses can be easily exploited using fewer efforts.
o    The probability of success is more when a person targets weakness of someone or something. Totally opposite is the case when a person tries breaking something strong.

The simple truth is that your opponents and enemies are continuously searching for your weaknesses to strike. This is the truth and it cannot be denied.

Weakness is not just about lack of physical strength. The other thing such as lust, anger, arrogance etc. also add to the list. Lack of control over mind and body is perhaps the most chronic weakness (Alcoholism and drug addiction in particular). I have seen 100s of men with great potential and many of them are busy wasting their lives.

When an opponent lacks in visible weaknesses, then his enemies try different things either to know weakness or to create one. A person referring to himself as your friend might or might not be an actual friend. By revealing your secrets to him you are actually taking a huge risk.
Whatever I said in the previous paragraph might not sound cool, but is the reality. The world is quite busy creating troubles for you, better don’t create more for yourself. Be in control, and be smart.

What’s the solution? Well! “Don’t be weak” and “Don’t expose your weaknesses” and “Don’t ignore your weaknesses”.
“To err is human” is nothing, but the one line summary of excuses by men. Not in all, but in the majority of cases people tend to ignore the issues until it’s too late. Surprisingly, there also exist a few people who wait and keep waiting until it’s all over. If you are in a habit of ignoring/overlooking your mistakes and weaknesses then, what can be really expected from you?

A man can be his best buddy or his worst enemy. This depends on his actions and sense of responsibility towards himself. Whatever you say, see, or do is going to have some effect or an aftereffect. In reality, a man has almost nothing or very less control on the world outside. What he/she can really control is himself/herself. Being in right senses might seem effortless, but is not. It’s a constant fight with oneself. The journey from inches to meters requires a decent amount of time, caution, and precaution.
·         Neither ignore your weaknesses nor reveal them to your opponents.
·         Secrets are not meant to be shared until it becomes really important to do so. You just cannot share them without consequences.
·         Become stronger and keep doing so.

·         Neither ignore your weakness nor put it on display.

Lazy or Success

Laziness is a state of mind and it evolves from two things. One is the lack of interest and other is the lack of responsibility. Before we move forward with this discussion let’s have a look on following line from chapter 13 of Chanakya Neeti.

“The attitude of a person plays a very significant role in his life. At instances he finds himself bound by the worldly desires and with a slight change in state-of-mind he can also set himself free.”
Who are you?

For everything that has happened in your life, is happening in your life, and will happen in your life either you have a reason or an excuse. Most people confuse excuse with reason and this small mistake is restricting them from taking full advantage of their abilities. The ugliest part of the life of an unsuccessful person is that in 99% cases he himself and knowingly (not willingly) allows bad things to happen to himself.

As far as dreams and desires are concerned we all ensure that they are the greatest, but when it comes to putting the needed efforts majority of us fail in doing so. Why?

Nobody Cares About Your Complaints:

Laziness and procrastination are the things that require a reason (actually an excuse) for their survival. In reality, people will not procrastinate until and unless they have somehow convinced themselves to act irresponsibly. They should know that it is totally foolish to fool oneself.
With such irresponsible approach, no one can acquire success in life. Then upon failure comes their turn to provide excuses and complaints. No matter what reason/excuse you provide the failure will still remain a failure and complaining will not help either. In return, you might get some sympathy and it might make you feel better, but the reality will still remain as it is.
O! sympathy seekers it’s time to wake up. It is your personal responsibility to ensure that on the day of judgment you recite a victory speech instead of an excuse list.

Prepare Yourself for Success and Act:

The very first thing that must be done is to acquire a clear objective. What you really want to achieve? If upon thinking you find yourself in wrong place what will you do? Do what’s necessary and do what’s required. Simple!

If you really want to, you will find a way or a few excuses. Consider yourself as a soldier who is all alone and who is entrapped by enemies from all side. The situation is serious and you cannot make a bad move also if you don’t move the situation will turn even critical. This is how you should look at your life. It’s important for you to take a right decision before you run out of options.

If you are utilizing all 24 hours of the day and all your resources responsibly in an organized manner then, please accept my apologies for wasting your time. If not, then you know what to do with that. Have a nice day!

Chanakya lessons

During his times in Takshshila University he faced much discrimination, and then Chandragupta went to Acharya Chanakya and explained about discrimination he faced and his difficulties in studying and not able to get opportunities to gain knowledge

After hearing this Chanakya said “For your problem you need to come to my room”;  Chandragupta started to followed him, as soon Chanakya entered room, he closed the door of room, Chandragupta left behind and he was loudly raised the voice to call Chanakya to open the door but there was no replay from Chanakya nor the  door has opened.

Chandragupta got surprised about his behaviour; he wanted to know why Chanakya did this to me. Then He planned to make ladder, from ladder he climbed up on the roof of the room, from the roof he entered Chanakya`s room

Chandragupta came near to Chanakya and asked Acharya Chanakya “you said that you will solve my problem but you did not allowed me to your room only”

Chanakya replied “you already found your answer”;

Chandragupta surprisingly asked “How?”  

Chanakya: if anyone tries to close the door of success or bring difficulties; then one who is in need of knowledge will find the way to gain it like “you wanted an answer from me so you found the way to meet me”.   

Moral of the Story:

Everyone must and should need to find their own path and should not depend on others. 

Saam Daam Dand Bhed

  • Saam: to advice and ask
  • Daam: to offer and buy
  • Dand: to punish
  • Bhed: exploiting the secrets

The basic and first approach of motivation speaks about explaining the way work is done, may be through Standard operating procedure or verbal communication. When we detail the work, person gets deeper knowledge and develops interest as well. We need to listen and understand their problem, convince them about management perspective. Solutions can be worked out to complex problems through negotiations. Sometimes expertise from external or internal agency also can help.

Employees work for money & money is one of the prime factor, acts as catalyst. Chanakya suggested rewarding employees sufficiently in order to get the work done. Organizations decide to facilitate by cash or kind, depending upon the policy formulated. Piece rate system of wages is an example, which is a reality in almost all the organization for certain defined work, especially in case of labor intensive industries like textiles, leather etc.  Another live example is target based incentives scheme, where target may be sales volume, PBIT, productivity, machine efficiency. Award system, like best employee, most regular employee, long serving employee etc. all these fall under DAM NEETI.

Chanakya says “ King with rod becomes a terror. A king with mild rod is despised, king just with rod is honored”. Many employees may not show sign of improvement from above methods of motivations in spite of constant follow up.  If neither reward nor incentive brings them out of lethargy, punishment is stronger option, but need to be used very intelligently. Punishment is always prescribed for view to improve not to deteriorate (Ms Kiran Bedi proved that punished/ jailed persons should be molded  to improve), hence there are many ways of punishments like warning, show cause notice, suspension or salary cutting. Depending of level of irregularity, type of punishment needs to be used in view of maintaining discipline.

Much abused neeti, divide and rule, Chanakya says something very important. When no weapon works, then this the hard option, though not encouraged at all, it is final step.  It is concluded that employee and organization cannot work together and hence it is the best way for the benefit of both.  Parting is the only option left, else company can think of transferring to some other work area, which may not be very crucial. Government officers, mostly policemen or IAS officers often face transfer under this policy