
Chanakya lessons

During his times in Takshshila University he faced much discrimination, and then Chandragupta went to Acharya Chanakya and explained about discrimination he faced and his difficulties in studying and not able to get opportunities to gain knowledge

After hearing this Chanakya said “For your problem you need to come to my room”;  Chandragupta started to followed him, as soon Chanakya entered room, he closed the door of room, Chandragupta left behind and he was loudly raised the voice to call Chanakya to open the door but there was no replay from Chanakya nor the  door has opened.

Chandragupta got surprised about his behaviour; he wanted to know why Chanakya did this to me. Then He planned to make ladder, from ladder he climbed up on the roof of the room, from the roof he entered Chanakya`s room

Chandragupta came near to Chanakya and asked Acharya Chanakya “you said that you will solve my problem but you did not allowed me to your room only”

Chanakya replied “you already found your answer”;

Chandragupta surprisingly asked “How?”  

Chanakya: if anyone tries to close the door of success or bring difficulties; then one who is in need of knowledge will find the way to gain it like “you wanted an answer from me so you found the way to meet me”.   

Moral of the Story:

Everyone must and should need to find their own path and should not depend on others. 

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